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'France: The Voices of Reason' is a documentary that explores the voices of French non-Muslims who challenge and denounce Islamophobia as well as supporting Islam and Muslims in France.

"All United for Grenfell" is a documentary that presents the voices of people who contributed to assisting and helping survivors of the fire at the Grenfell Tower, in West London, that claimed the lives of 72 men, women and children on 14th June 2017. The tragic event of the Grenfell Tower brought a whole community together where all races, nationalities, beliefs and religions became one entity under the banner of humanity.

This time our journey goes to Tanzania, in East Africa, to report on the living conditions of the communities around coastal areas, in one of the poorest countries in the world. We interact with Tanzanian local people, get to know them more and interviews staff from the Islamic Help organisation during their mission to assist and help the most deprived people.

More than 500,000 Rohingya have fled Myanmar, most arriving in Bangladesh by foot or by boat, with aid agencies struggling to cope with the influx. At present the crisis undoubtedly represents the most extreme and disproportionate onslaught of violence, with widely corroborated horror tales from Rohingya refugees of savagely violent gang rapes, merciless tortures and beheadings, and even babies tossed into fires. Watch as we discover, If not genocide, what might we call the horrendous situation unfolding in Northern Rakhine?

© 2022 by Pablo Reig.

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